Now here is a band that can rock with the best of them. If the Kinks and the Flamin’ Groovies met up with the DIY punk of The Godfathers, they might’ve sounded like The Condors. The songs benefit from producer Steve Refling and special friends who stopped by the studio to lend their musical and vocal talents; including Tony Fate (Bellrays), Jerry Koskie (Simpletones/Chiefs), and the ubiquitous Robbie Rist (too many bands to mention here). “She’s not the Girl for me” and “Don’t Talk about Love” are perfect bar band styled classics, and have a great Jam meets Dire Straits feel to them. “Expectations” sound similar to classic Elvis Costello circa “Armed Forces” with even more muscle. The Ray Davies comparisons are all over the classic “Something Better Coming Soon” and Pat “Pooch” DiPuccio does a great job of matching the energy and sound of those classic rock and roll riffs. The sharp Beatlesque guitar buzz on “Kiss That Girl Away” is what power pop is all about and “Spare Time” has a big Raspberries vibe with a Lou Reed-ish vocal. “Set Me On Fire” even has those great horn flourishes. Although a few of the songs didn’t win me over, this is a great album who’s time has come. This combination of old school punk and pop that makes the album a pure joy to listen to.
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