Duane Dolieslager "The Opposite of Optimist"

I finally got to listen to this wonderful CD. Dolieslager’s wry lyrics and tuneful songs are perfect for a rainy day here. Fans of Michael Penn and The Rembrandts will enjoy this album immensely. This is beautifully crafted pop with just the right amount of catchiness and quirkiness as evidenced in the mid-tempo song “Anchor,” which mix it’s melody with a bit of heartache. “Like Day and Night” is a high spirited romp, if you can imagine Elliot Smith as lead singer of the Monkees here. “Carousel” is a bit more reflective and follows a music box styled tempo. Even simpler is “Between the Pages” song about romantic yearning – with a nice steel pedal guitar adding emphasis here. “Nowhere in Record Setting Time” is a little vaudevillian-styled tune that Harry Nillson fans will respect. In fact, Duane’s songwriting style is not unlike Nillson, weaving emotions and descriptive pictures together seamlessly. Not every track is stellar (“Close to the Bottom” feels like filler here) but so much is so good it will find a favorite spot in your music collection and Duane is an artist that has an amazing debut and an excellent future.

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