Face it you are a Music Geek!

I can think of no other skit in recent memory that really shows the world a music geek. In this SNL skit, Will Forte just lets it loose to the orchestral pop of “Casino Royale” with goofy arm gestures and Peyton Manning joins him in the “geek dance” of celebration. Together they almost resemble the Spartan Cheerleaders of Will Ferrell and Cheri O’Terri. As an audience we are laughing at the blissfully uncool cheerleaders enthusiasm for the “perfect cheer.” So it is with Will Forte’s Coach. The Bachrach-David theme music, done by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass is without peer, however to the masses (the audience and the other basketball players in the skit) it is just an awful old song, that was really cool in 1967 and now it’s just embarassing to see anyone enjoy it with this much gusto. If there ever was a perception problem with power pop fans and the rest of musical fandom, this exemplifies it. You tell your friends “Listen to this great track!” and you may get a convert who will join in your discovery of some great music (new or old) but the some of people out there will still tell you “Let’s get the f — outta here.” To see the movie’s full theme song click here.