The Grey Race "s/t"

The Grey Race, a new power pop group from Brooklyn does a great job of setting up a cool soundscape. The songs are best described as “sweet and sour” and reminds me a bit of 10cc and late-era Badfinger with multiple listens. “On the Chin” and “Bottom” are emotionally dark and amazingly cool. The one sunny spot on the CD is a cover of The Zombies “Care of Cell 44” – this is very nicely done, although it isn’t going to make me forget about Susanna Hoffs’ version last year. I feel The Grey Race does have some greatness potential in the brilliant song “Screamings not an Option” and vocalist Jon Darling’s scathing comment on a break up that is an effective mix of Pink Floyd’s desparation and The Beatles melodicism, and my favorite track here. I look forward to a full length release in September.

The Grey Race Website | My Space

Also new on e-music is a worthy download. This is a classic of the genre: Any Trouble “Where are all the nice girls?” This 1980 gem mines the Elvis Costello/Joe Jackson era sound perfectly. Essential listening.