The Zebras "Worry a lot"

The Zebras are a Brisbane-based Jangle pop band that produces the golden tones of the Bryds, and reminds me a lot of Rainbow Quartz artist The Rhinos and The Go-Betweens. “Worry a lot” boasts some steady clean production and mellow, light vocal arrangements. It’s also got the most guitar jangle I’ve heard in a while. This helps in that the sound is familiar and comforting in a the perfect laid-back summer way. “You Look Ready” has a wonderful melody and the gentle overdubbed vocals float above the guitar line with a great hook for the chorus. The guitar melody line for “Science Competition” sounds like it fell off a classic Beach Boys album and has nice bass line breaks throughout the song. “Doong Doong” has a very Belle and Sebastian feel to it with Edwina Ewins and Jeremy Cole bouncing vocals off each other. However, too much of the album’s songs sounds very similar to each other and can make the entire album feel repetitious. The Zebras could also try to make some of the vocals stand out more as a counter melody to the strong guitar sound. For jangle pop fans this is a “must have” CD. For others, it’s very good summer listening.

My Space | Lost and Lonesome Records | Amazon