The Bee Gees "How Deep is Your Love"

On this day, we honor fallen heroes. Rather than get all gloomy, I’d like to reflect on a simpler time in my life— and I felt this song does it. It brings me back to a time as a young pre-teen in love, with that first dance and that first crush in summer camp. Say what you will about the horrible disco years (which people now look back on with fondness) but nobody could write a better love ballad than the brothers Gibb at their commercial peak. Still underappreciated to this day.

One thought to “The Bee Gees "How Deep is Your Love"”

  1. Incredibly great song. Fall of 1977. Definitely, a simpler time. Gorgeous melody. The Bee Gees — the most underrated group, perhaps in history. Thanks for posting this great song.


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