This Baltimore quartet play plenty of honest punchy rock music. The Frauds remind one of Jet, The Clash, Love and Rockets, but mainly they compare well to Superdrag. The opener “Nothing to Say” has all the swagger of the first Jet album’s “Are you gonna be my Girl”. The bass leads are great in the following tune “Strawberry Soul” and continues the theme of teen defiance. “Pull me Over” is a real standout and combines the sound of Jet and Jane’s Addiction. After these three awesome tracks in a row, it’s hard to believe they can top it, but they do with Superdrag-like “Asphalt Dungeon” an amazing transitional melodic rock ballad. Then it settles into a nice groove with the Bachman-Turner Overdrive lifted bassline from “Takin’ Care of Business” twisted into the song “Days Go By” and then the next few tracks tread a bit harder into Foo Fighters territory, like the meaty “Love Me Don’t.” Later on the band mellows on the Beach Boys-esque laden harmonies of “Palm Tree Baby. The ballads are also pretty good and things never get boring. Overall a great album worth getting if you like melodic rock and roll. This is a great emusic pick as well. Still not convinced? Listen to the whole thing for yourself.