If you’re into something quirky, Willie Herath may be your poison. Taking a cue from alternative punk-pop group, The Presidents of The United States, Willie starts the album with a pair of acoustic riffed simple songs with an absurdist edge, “Sticky Flip-Flop” and “Electric Sun.” Both songs tread on the same goofy ground and are catchy as well. But it’s not as hard edged as The Presidents and closer to Weezer in spirit and tone. The ballad “Come Home” proves to the listener that Willie’s got a real voice with a soaring chorus, it also proves to be the best ballad here. “Drive” mixes the two styles with a very Red Hot Chili Peppers mid-tempo beat. Sometimes the melodies work, other times they feel like filler toward the latter half of the album. There are some good songs here, “Shake it Up Baby” makes good use of Herath’s vocal range and “Dig it on” has some good energy and is very enjoyable in a Southern Culture On The Skids kind of way. More consistency would help, but his style is organic and a lot fun. Fans of Weezers’ blue album will find a lot to like here.
Willie Herath’s website | My Space | CD Baby | Itunes