The Pearlfishers "Up with the Larks"

It’s been a long time since I heard The Pearlfishers, and I hope we hear more from them and the wait isn’t so long next time. My last experience was in 1997, with “The Strange Underworld of the Tall Poppies” a light group of twee Beatlesque tunes – See here. Wow, they have matured. The latest album “Up with the Larks” is a baroque orchestral pop masterpiece. Teenage Fanclub’s Norman Blake lent a hand with producing four tracks, but it isn’t close to TF’s sound. This is a lush multi-layered album – David Scott has outdone himself here, with subtle dreamscapes that float through your ears like dandelion florets on a hot summer day. The title track, “Up With The Larks” opens with an ear-catching Todd Rundgrenesque melody and catchy harmonies. This is followed by “Bluebells” a song that equals Burt Bacharach in texture and complex arrangements with full strings. “Send Me A Letter” is a perfect male counterpoint to a Carole King-styled mid tempo number. “Womack and Womack” adds a bit of soul in it’s biting critique of the music industry. My favorite here is “London’s In Love” a beautiful love song with the orchestral majesty that puts Eric Matthews to shame. Another standout is “With You On My Mind,” a Randy Newman-type song with a much better vocal. Throughout the album are a lot of subtle Brian Wilson-isms and choral flourishes that push each song into greatness. These dramatic tunes have just the right mix of soul, tin-pan alley pop and folk sensibilities. Also no filler here – as every song is required listening. The finale ” I Just See The Rainbow” is a really heartfelt ballad and I’m positive some smart producer will take this album and use it’s songs for a hit Broadway show. It makes the ever expanding top ten list as well.

The Pearlfishers Site | My Space | E Music | Kool Kat Musik | Not Lame

Listen to “Womack and Womack”