[Editors Note: I’m proud to have the help of “Mike Z” as a guest reviewer for Powerpopaholic. Here is his first review.] Good news! This album is a great example of power pop: three chords and nice hooks are the rule for this Massachusetts trio. Bad news! If it is true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then this act is going to be waiting a long time for its thank you notes from Juliana Hatfield, No Doubt, Liz Phair, and Veruca Salt, et al. Still, itʼs a decent effort. This might be a band to keep your eye on. In the meantime, you won’t regret it if you throw this CD in your car stereo on the highway with a friend.
– Mike Z
[For the most part I think Mike is right, but some standouts tracks are here too. “City Is Closed” has a pretty decent hook that will keep your attention. “The Offering” has some good buzz guitar along with it’s harmonies and is another highlight. “Between Us” is a a lost Liz Phair track if ever there was one. If you enjoy any of the female lead bands above, this will tide you over until those artists actually put out something new.]

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