The Nice Outfit "Kissing Jocelyn" EP

The Nice Outfit was formed from the ashes of teen idols Menlo and The New Blind Nationals and as an off-shoot of power pop heroes Trolley and Quinn Scharber. Think an updated version of The Buzzcocks for the next generation of powerpopaholics. This combo rocks with an energy that compares well with The Plimsouls or even fellow Milwaukee band The Saltshakers. Starting with the chiming guitarplay of “Kissing Jocelyn” will appeal to lovers of that 60’s classic sound. Lead vocal Terry Hackbarth threatens to get buried by all those riffs, which flirt with the classic punk of The Replacements. The other three tracks follow the same formula with just enough melody under the surface to keep it rockin’. It’s a short EP, and would love to see the a full length soon.

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