Black Bunny "Black Bunny"

A side project from Brandon Wilde and Chris Foley, this is a superb album full of great mid-tempo indie pop and alt country styled ballads. The opener “Hero” is a dead-on classic that Radiohead should have put on “Ok Computer” (Brandon even sounds like Thom Yorke on this track). Keeping the dark, but easy going mood “Survival” is a nice follow up, that has a catchy lament about a solider in Iraq (and those he leaves behind) with great storytelling. By the time we get to “Hello” it gets brighter and more Beatlesque. The very nice Wilco-meets-The Shins styled “Love Unknown” is another standout that’s impressive. Foley’s vocal on “inside” resembles a mellower version of Eddie Vedder, with a hint of John Mayer. The song has nice touches, including horns and overdubs that make compelling listening. Acoustic ballads like “Daydream” are woven around mid-tempo political nihilism and commentary from “This is Nowhere” (which recall The Kinks, Ray Davies). The catchy political theme continues with “Digital Bystander” as a call to arms to the Internet masses. At points near the end of the album it combines the above influences into something wonderful and unique (“Butterfly”). After a few listens you’ll be hooked by this Bunny.

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