Brian Wilson "Lucky Old Sun" streaming

My weekend vacation is up. On a few Gannett newspaper sites, they are promoting the newest Brian Wilson album “Lucky Old Sun” by having the entire album stream for listeners. This is a very good thing to older established artists that don’t feel the labels support them enough. With the success and adoration from 2004’s “SMiLE” album, this is a step above the follow up “Gettin’ in Over My Head” done that same year. Brian’s emphatic vocals have less of a tired feel and some sweet gems are to be found in the title track, “Forever She’ll Be My Surfer Girl” and the sweeping “Mexican Girl.” Unfortunately there are lots of narrative bits and reprises between the songs (done to better effect on The Beach Boys “California Saga” years ago) that don’t work here. A remake of “Can’t Wait Too Long” is filler here, and a truly beautiful biographic ballad about his comeback “Midnight’s Another Day” suffers from Brian’s lack of vocal range, but most fans will find it forgivable and truly savor the handful of songs. In fact, I wonder out loud how gorgeous this song would be sung by someone else (Much like the Elvis Costello/Burt Bacharach’s “God Give Me Strength”). Others will wonder what all the fuss is about.