Plastic Heroes "Escape The Lower End"

Reviewed by Mike Z.
On the opening track, “Lover Boy”, singer/guitarist Marc Olivier’s voice grabs your attention immediately, which is a strong way to kick off any record. His voice sounds like Adam Ant in pitch and played-up British accent and warbles effectively like that of Larry Kirwin from Black 47. The music is also strong enough that it can not be ignored, so a good mix of sounds is established off the bat, and that will (for the most part) continue throughout. This is a good mix of rock, pop, and lyrical braggadocio. With “Every Day” the band again succeeds in creating a musical mix of anger, angst, and a wry sense of humor complete with bouncing guitars and a synthesizer sound straight from 1983. 

“Mary B!” has one bad-ass riff which is wasted on a song which is fails to paint a compelling portrait of its title character. Add half a point to this rating if you are a Francophile, as that motif (that’s French, right?) is to be found at various points of this recording. A weakness is exposed here and continues to unravel somewhat in the next three songs. Even though these tracks are somewhat out of place, it doesn’t overly sully the rest of the work. “The Boy” is more of a rocker and maybe the best realization of this band’s sound. Everything is just right with the mix of guitars, driving 4/4 drums, chunky bass, and overdriven synths. “Fifteen Years” continues the sonic momentum and gives further hope that this band may have some real talent. The guitar resounds like nothing I’ve heard since Billy Duffy’s big, big guitar from The Cult’s Electric.  “Whispering” starts out slow and has bittersweet lyrics. It borrows from The Beatles and XTC initially and has some beautiful touches throughout. The lyrics are simple and do not try to overstate the sentiment that the music creates. I’d recommend this album to be played on your house or car stereo, so as to fill the room and let the big guitars and meat-head drum beats bounce off the walls. If you throw this in while doing chores, having some friends over for beers, or going for a drive, a great energy will be added to the environment and it will be really hard to not get swept up with the music. 

Plastic Heroes Site | My Space | Itunes

Listen to “The Boy”