Richard Snow "Tuesday Music"

If you remember we reviewed Richard Snows debut here. Now power pop fans can get excited again. Richard has the jangle of the Byrds, the harmonies of The Beach Boys and folk leanings of Paul Simon. Richard is best compared with Richard X. Heyman with his varied pop sound. Opening with the Beatlesque “Silent Girlfriend” it perfectly captures a moment in time. It’s a perfect single that would make even devout Spongetones fans take notice. “You’re My Number 1” continues the hit parade with a hook filled chorus. The Beach Boys styled arrangement on “You Said It” is packed with beautiful vocal harmonies and melodies. “Hard To Be Happy” is a sixties love note to Roger McGuinn and Gene Clark with echo and jangle. Another standout, “Lonesome Cowboy” opens as expected, as a guitar driven country rock track then it takes a funky reggae turn. It keeps the music from being predictable, and that’s what makes it a compelling track. “Expectations” is also does this by starting as heavy pysche-pop and ending up as a new age choral. The ballad “Days of Simplicity” talks about how each future generation will miss the simple music that shaped their lives as they grow older. The song is reminiscent of those classic Moody Blues ballads. A very satisfying experience and highly recommended.

Richard Snow’s Site | My Space | CD Baby | SideB Music