Cineplexx "Picnic"

When Argentinean native Sebastian Litmanovich formed the band Cineplexx last year in Barcelona Spain, he had some help from power pop buddies Douglas Stewart (BMX Bandits) and Norman Blake (Teenage Fanclub). The sound is lush and full similar to Belle and Sebastian (even a song near the albums end is named after them) with wall-of-sound arrangements and full Spanish language vocals. The opening “Espiral” has the soft vocal and light orchestral backdrop, that compares well to Elf Power or The Field Mice. Then “A Mi Lado” has a sparse synth beat with light harmonies that recall eighties synth-wave bands a bit and “Tirados” almost resembles those spacey late 60’s Moody Blues ballads with fuzzy bass and theremin. It definitely creates a dark atmosphere and this gets even more moody with “Picnic” a sullen Cure-like ballad. This musical direction seems to take over the remaining tracks, as “Droga Paliativa” (Palliative Drug) which goes on like an updated version of Sisters of Mercy with competing background melodies. It gets more and more like ambient mood music, as the only English tune “Tiger Trap” has a slight Beach Boys feel, sung by Stewart. Fans of Belle and Sebastian and Velvet Underground minimalism, will enjoy this. A fine album, even though the musical themes repeat throughout and wear thin by the end. Give it a try and you may like it better than I did.

My Space | CD Baby | Cineplexx site

Listen to “Espiral” from Cineplexx’s new album Picnic: