Khalid Hanifi "Pamplemousee Presse"

Khalid Hanifi (from the Maypops) comes out with his debut album, “Pamplemousse Presse” and fans of the soft side of Jason Falkner or The Rip Off Artists will appreciate this sound. We start with a superb pair of singles in “Mr. Wonderful” and “When You Wake Up” with easy going melody and ringing guitars that falls between XTC and Eric Matthews without sounding like either. “Hard To Believe” is another standout with a wonderful duet with his sister Sophie pitching into the harmonies. “Only Human” has a smart hook laden chorus that resembles an Andrew Gold song, and I consider it one of the best songs on the album – full of heavy contrasts in style. Another point of comparison for this song would be The Honeydog’s Adam Levy. Fans of solo McCartney and Tin Finn will also find Hanifi’s music totally accessible. “Truck” is a catchy tune “about dicking around forever” and it has a lot of fun twangy guitar noodling that makes for fun listening. The strong piano Todd Rundgren-like melody of “July” leads into the smooth guitar tune “Idiot Box” which is another album highlight. The album never loses it’s way, but continues in a low energy mode till we get to “I Want You To Do Things That I Say” which has some impressive key changes. It’s an impressive debut that deserves a spot on your playlist.

Khalid’s Site | My Space | CD Baby