The Silver Seas "The Country Life"

Reaching back, I found this little gem of an album. Formerly the Bees, they changed their name to “The Silver Seas” and deliver that familiar ’70s-style soft rock that combines the hazy harmonies of the Beach Boys with Jackson Browne’s running-on-empty rhythmic momentum. Lead songwriter Daniel Tashian underplays his commercial skills with a casual charm that shrugs where others might strain. He’s crafty, not contrived. The sound on the ballads like “Dream of Love” also reminds me of Sondre Lerche and James Taylor, so if you like them you’ll dig The Silver Seas. Tashian injects a healthy dose of Seals & Crofts style to his storytelling in the title track “High Society”. “The Country Life” is very similar to Van Morrison’s “Wild Night” or “Domino” in structure and beat. Some wonderful jangle and harmonies are in “Ms. November” and is one of my favorites on this album. “Imaginary Girl” is another gem that sparkles along with a wonderful piano melody. “Hard Luck Tom” is similar to the effortless pop of JT if the Wilson boys were backing him. No real filler here unless you count the instrumental “Taitville,” this is perfect for a fall day, with the leaves turning color to these elegant pop sounds. 

My Space | The Silver Seas site | Itunes

Listen to the “Imaginary Girl”

Listen to the “The Country Life”

4 thoughts to “The Silver Seas "The Country Life"”

  1. Zumpp99, where do I mention “Wall of Sound”? are you talking about the Cineplexx or The Silver Seas?

  2. there is a wall of sound i hear that is a bit strong for me, but besides that i know what your saying the sound is good and reminiscent of the 70s

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