Dennis Schocket "The Cinderblock Mansion"

Starbelly genius, Dennis Schocket released a solo album last year, and it’s as good as you think it is. “The Cinderblock Mansion” is power pop with an alt. country flavor, that crosses the genre a bit like Wilco’s “Summerteeth” did. With an assist from Myracle Brah’s Andy Bopp, and he starts with the rootys Stones-like “Lovesick Blue” and the very Tom Pettyesque “About the Girl” with a relaxed guitar strum and melodic narrative straight out of “Full Moon Fever”. But the alt-country vibe doesn’t dominate the album and the jangle of “Another Perfect Breakup Song” is a nice highlight. By the time we get to “Breathe” we start to move into a more Wilburys’ styled pop song that has a sweet hook. Then the wicked bluesy opening of the guitars in “Tangerine Scene” gets slightly into a Beatlesque honky tonk and it’s one of my favorites here. The “Girl of the Year” is one of the best singles you’ll hear, with nice multi-tracked harmony in the chorus and descending baselines which recall former band mate Cliff Hillis. Not a bad track is to be found on the album, from the bouncy alt. country pop of “Ghosts” to the sing-a-long tamborine and guitar gem “Unified” – everything is good here. It could’ve made my top ten last year (if I found it then). Fans of the above mentioned bands, and fans of The Jayhawks or Old 97’s may want to give it a try too.

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