Spinnerette “Ghetto Love” EP
Punk chick extraordinaire Brody Dalle is ready to make waves as Spinnerette. The former lead singer with The Distillers keeps her tough image alive with a beat that will not quit on the single “Ghetto Love.” She has come to kick ass and does so here. Brody reminds me of Chrissy Hynde if she played with The Sweet on the follow up “Vallium Knights” with manic drumming and bass backing her up. “Distorting A Code” and “Bury My Heart” round it out and recall a female version of David Grohl’s Foo Fighters. On the latter track, her low soft vocals here bubble up over rabid distorted guitar lines. Listen to the single here on Today’s Modern Pop. Make “Ghetto Love” your workout song and I near guarantee ripped abs!
Spinnerette Website | Amazon | Itunes
The Secret History “Desolation Town” EP
The Secret History is the new project by songwriter Michael Grace Jr., formerly of acclaimed cult indie pop band My Favorite and features the debut of vocalist Lisa Ronson, daughter of Bowie guitarist and Glam Rock legend Mick Ronson. The EP sets up a long story/rock opera that takes place partly in 1970’s New York and 1900’s Italy. But is the music any good? Ronson holds together the indie pop vibe with a very Natalie Merchant meets Debbie Harry like performance. “It’s Not The End of the World, Jonah” is a good catchy opening with the great line “Getting older is a fucking drag/ We have hit a snag/ It’s sad” before the chorus. The chiming mid tempo “Our Lady of Pompeii” has some nice piano work, but the gem in the EP is “Mark & John (Bring On The Glitter Kids)” with soaring harmonies and apocalyptic lyrics “This is the end of music…” A great start for a band that shouldn’t remain secret any longer.
MySpace | Itunes