Goodbye Doug Fieger…

Lead singer for the Knack, Doug was battling cancer and was unable to make it to last year’s Charlotte Pop Fest, unfortunately the continuing battle took it’s final toll.  Let’s remember him as a part of the power pop pantheon and a hard working performer that never faded into musical obscurity. The Knack helped make the entire country aware of the power pop genre in 1979. Despite numerous come back attempts they never really got the respect they deserved  – the excellent albums they left behind deserve to be heard again and again. You will be missed Doug.

One thought to “Goodbye Doug Fieger…”

  1. i once ran into doug at a hyatt hotel spa when i was about 9 years old. he had a beatle hair cut and looked so damn cool it was unbelievable. he could tell i was staring at him and gave me a wink and then came over and said hello. i didn't know who he was at that time but the only thing i managed to say was "you look just like john lennon from a hard days night." to which he said "well thats a great complement". years later i realized who he was. a genius.

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