Justin Kline and A Bit Much

Justin Kline “Triangle” EP
Nashville musician Justin Kline creates a masterful followup to his acclaimed Six Songs EP,  where he recovers from the tragedy of having someone steal his master tapes. Justin toiled on these and his persistence pays off in the catchy “Baby, You’re A Mess” which is followed by the waltzing melody of “Please Go Away.” The crown jewel here is “Alison, We Cannot Be Friends” with Justin’s ernest vocals and harmonies that shine bright. I’m glad Justin put this EP out and not let anything discourage him.  Fans of Jellyfish, Linus of Hollywood, and Marshall Crenshaw should get this right away. One of the best EPs I’ve heard this year.

My Space | Amazon | Bandcamp

A Bit Much “You Deserve It” EP
This Boston based band is a quirky mix of Tally Hall and Spacehog.  A lot of attitude and spunk on the opener “Minimum Rhythm, Maximum Blues” takes you pretty far.  But these guys also know melody and lead vocalist Degan puts showmanship into “Starvation Wage,” with a full range of emotion and a strong rhythm with backing harmony. “I Can Rock Nobody Like Nobody’s Been Rocked Before” is a boogie piano number that really stands out as well. Props also go to musician Tim Bucha (keys) and Jonathan Francis Glancy (drums) for mixing bar blues and pop so effortlessly here. So is it “a bit much”? Maybe Degan’s theatricality is, but the price for this EP isn’t. Get it at Bandcamp for whatever price you like.

A Bit Much.org | Bandcamp

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