Previous albums from Robbers On High Street made comparisons to Spoon, but four years later things have changed. With Hey There Golden Hair, they dive head first into Beatlesque power pop. The opener “Hollow Hill” is a perfect example of taking elements of Fab Four style and crafting something new and wonderful. There is not a single dud on the album, mixing Hammond Organ, fuzz guitar riffs and horns to melodic perfection. Other 60’s and 70’s stylistic touches are sprinkled throughout, as “Crystal Run” and “Electric Eye” are legit hits if they made the radio. And the band does not let up as “Second Chance” chorus bounces along, and the psychedelic “Face In The Fog” has a brilliant hand-clapping rhythm section with organ break.
If anyone ever tells you retro-styled rock is played out, have them listen to this album and specifically the funk beats and staccato guitar riffs of “Hey Unbelievers” or the driving urgency on “Monkey.” Vocalist Ben Trokan has the perfect vocal rasp for the groovy tunes here with some fine songwriting as well. It feels like a band very comfortable in its own skin, letting its hair down. Fans of late sixties rock and pop need this album. It is a rare power pop triumph that earns a nomination to this years top ten.
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for turning me on to this particular record. While I value each of your reviews, this particular band had completely escaped me until I read about them here and subsequently bought their album. And what an album it is! It’s nudging its way ever closer to the top of my own 2011 Top Ten. Thanks again!