Peelgreems “Big Adventure”
This is a perfect example of why I get excited over power pop from outside the USA. This a French orchestral-experimental pop band that fills each song with dense composition and innovative chord combos that are impossible to ignore. Sung in English, “8th of December” opens with dramatic piano progressions, and the follow up “Acquario-Aria” is pure innovation. Fans of The Wondermints, ELO and Japanese pop will find lots to love here all from the minds of Alexis Hadefi, Morgan Agren and Michael Manring. And don’t miss the heavenly harmony opening on “Tsuruuchi.” A big thanks to Miyuki again for finding this gem.
Los Autonautas “Lo Que Quiero “
Once again we have another Spanish power pop gem from Madrid. Los Autonautas have been around since 2007, according to Facebook, “The Autonautas formed when Clara Guitar, Caesar and Mr. Pazos traveled through space and time only to land by mistake in the state of California during the 60s.” And the Caesar/Clara duo really know their way around a guitar riff. Get a download at Bandcamp or a CD through Waterslide Records.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Aaron, for mentioning the Peelgreems album, Big Adventure. I’ve been playing it relentlessly since I first heard about it from our mutual friend Miyuki, and was feeling a little forlorn that no-one else seemed to have noticed it. I’ve been plugging it on my blog ad nauseam, but that can only go so far in spreading the word. (Plus it can annoy regular visitors to my blog who – quite reasonably – probably want to hear something other than more Peelgreems songs.)
Thanks again, Aaron, you splendidly helpful blogger you.