Summer Magic and Michael Roberts

Summer Magic

Summer Magic “Sharks and Other Dangers”

This St. Louis-based “band” is basically Kevin Bachmann (Lapush, Troubadour Dali, Jon Hardy & The Public), who worked on his debut album with David Beeman (Pokey Lafarge, Tristen) and David Vandervelde (Father John Misty). Sharks And Other Dangers is a summer LP coming out at summer’s end, but when you start out with the infectious jangler “Hey!” its like popping open a crisp beer. With an understated vocal and a Rickenbacker rhythm, it sets the stage for this short (but sweet) LP.

Using a variety of surf guitars, shakers, and classic rock stylings Summer Magic cuts through the haze and sticks with you. “Charles de Gaulle in The Afternoon” shuffles along like an updated Tommy James classic, and “Attraction Corridors” is like Teenage Fanclub with its “ba-ba-ba” vocals and descending verses. The fast-tempo “A Certain Little Chord” is another big highlight, with its driving guitar lead. Overall not a wasted note and it deserves a spot on your playlist, for any season. Highly Recommended.


Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts “There Is No Blue”

I know little about Mr. Roberts other than he’s from Wales (UK) and he’s made several “best-of” lists last year with Suspended In Space. This year I caught up to his latest LP, There Is No Blue. A plinking toy piano opener “Stardust Symphony” is a mainly a baroque instrumental, but most of the tunes are solid ballads where Michael’s hushed vocal floats over a melody with great orchestral flourishes like “It’s For Real” and “Home.” A little like John Mayer meets Eric Matthews. The vocals are also done by Nathan Corbett, who’s got a great voice too.

Props also go out to Donna Howell, who often duets with Nathan on several tunes, like “Sometimes” and “Turn Your Face Into The Sun,” plus she sounds a lot like Debbie Harry. More high-quality songwriting and catchiness on the upbeat “And Again” and “Cats Like Us.” Highly Recommended.

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