The Toms “Life Raft”
Its a long way from Tommy Marolda’s classic Beatlesque debut, but he’s still making guitar melodies that rock. He’s got an 80’s hard rock feel on the opener “Wish I Went To Princeton” with its quiet-but-catchy chorus. Marolda’s songwriting is always top-notch, and “Accident” is an excellent example with its layered rhythms, hand-claps, harmonies, and guitar riffs. “Another Happy Ending,” and “Buried Alive” have inventive approaches and compelling melodies. The DIY psyche-pop “Tangerine” is another sweet theme that will stick in your head.
The quirky McCartney-like “If Mother Nature Had A Face” and “Profile” have some wonderful musical ideas that don’t quite stick. And even Richie Sambora (Bon Jovi guitarist) can’t save the overbaked “We Ain’t Giving Up.” But the atmospherics and blended swirl of ideas in “Earthquake In Heaven” and “The Everlasting Stone In My Shoe” reminded me of The Dowling Poole and its worthy of repeat listens. Like last year’s Applestation, you’ll find an overall a mixed bag, that will appeal to longtime fans and those willing to experiment.

Nezrok “Nezrok”
Nezrok (aka Chris Korzen) has teased an album for a long time. Last fall he finally released this self-titled collection on New Jersey’s Jahal Records with a host of guests from Chris Bolger, Dennis Diken and Van Duren. It couldn’t start any better with the smoking riffs of “Middle Ground” with its catchy melody, it sounds like a lost Big Star tune, that fits well with the Van Duren-Jody Stephens cover of “Andy, Please.”
Vicki Loveland and Van Duren both contribute to “Imagine That.” A few songs like “ICU” and “Wide Open Spaces” are stylistically different and have guest lead vocals from Diane E. While I liked the music, it seems to belong on a different album. Power pop fans will do the best picking from those mentioned above, plus “Beach People,” and “Strong Love.” Solid gems are to be found here.