The Lunar Laugh “Goodnight Noises Everywhere”
The Lunar Laugh is an experienced pop band with mates Connor Anderson, Jared Lekites, Campbell Young and Jimmy Jackson back for their third album. The brilliant opening single by Lekites “Welcome To The World” is a showcase for the band’s eclectic brand of power pop. Drawing from classic pop influences and rich harmonies it moves in more varied directions as “Old New Kid In Town” bounces along. The ballads are more present and are more modern sounding, with “Another Casualty,” sounding like a lost Lindsey Buckingham classic.
“Tell Me Story” is another highlight here, with its shuffling country rhythm and catchy chorus. While the 80’s influences are felt on “Waiting For A Sign,” the power pop slide guitar comes back on the amazing “By The Light of The Living Room” and the sweet “Saying Goodbye” with its Brian Wilson meets Beatles ending. Overall a great album with brilliant moments. Highly Recommended.

Tony Low “TO New York”
Tony Low, a founding member of New York band The Cheepskates, now resides in Greensboro, North Carolina. But as his newest solo album reveals, he’s still got a New York state of mind.
However, we start with the jangling gem “Murder Beach,” which is actually about shootings that took place in Myrtle Beach, SC. Ironically even the locals started referring to their hometown by that name. “Hum of the Neighborhood” is a gentle story about living away from home. Another highlight “The Abomination” is a political rant with just a hint of sarcasm and dismay. Soul searching takes place on “The Plan,” as it follows looking for someone and some hope. Musically its got nice string flourishes and a spacey feel. The songs are filled with anxiety but “This Old World” ends on a positive note. A good LP that deserves to be heard.