Matthew Sweet has released a new single titled “Stars Explode” from the forthcoming album Catspaw, due to release through Omnivore Recordings on January 15, 2021.
“Recently, I heard a song called ‘Matthew Sweet’ by a band from Chapel Hill, N.C. named The Stars Explode. I was flattered and liked the song and their band name, so I decided to use it in my song “Stars Explode.” The music ‘arrived,’ so to speak, together with the title. I’ve always been interested in Space and the greater nature of things; I love the concept that “we are all stardust.” I explored that idea in the lyrics. ‘Stellar winds she comes riding upon/with a nebulous intent…’ The female character here is sort of a Mother Nature of the Cosmos—maybe the queen of the universe! The way I come in singing that repeated note in the first verse reminded me a little bit of something Neil Young might do melodically. I had a lot of fun with the lead guitars on this one too.” —Matthew Sweet
Here is the track “Matthew Sweet” by The Stars Explode. Incidentally, the same band was also responsible for writing and recording the theme song for my power-pop show on 11L Radio New York International back in 2012. That’s only 3 degrees of separation!