The Speedways “Talk Of The Town”
London-based The Speedways are part of a handful of bands (The Whiffs, The Reflectors, Uni-Boys) that base their sound on the late 70s and early-80s power pop. The good news is The Speedways actually write songs that sound like they would’ve been hits back then. Starting with “Dead from The Heart Down” and “Secret Secret” it recalls the glory days of 20-20 or The Knack. The harmonies and the guitar riffs are infectious throughout.
“Shoulda Known” and “Strange Love” are pure Elvis Costello-like magic and the echoing jangle of “A Drop In The Ocean” is another potential hit from 1980 in an alternate universe. The guitars get even more pumped for “A Song Called Jayne & A Lie Called Love” and the layered gem “Summer’s Over.” Just about every song hits the mark here. In the finale “Wrong Place Wrong Time” the guitar style recalls The Records with some notable solo hard rock licks. Overall, a terrific retro album that deserves a nomination for my top ten list of 2022.

Fuzzbubble “Cult Stars From Mars”
Fuzzbubble were radio darlings back in 2000. In my recent interview with Fuzzbubble lead guitarist Jim Bacchi, he originally referred to the project as “Cult Stars From Mars,” not really making it clear it was a Fuzzbubble project. These terrific singles had been out for over two years. Well, after a few more tracks we have an album.
The starting tracks are rockers in the tradition of classic Cheap Trick, as “Can’t Wait To See You” and “Funny Face” are simply just great. “Regretfully Yours” takes a deliberate step in a Jellyfish-like direction, while newer tracks “I Like That Song!” take on a more epic arena rock quality (you hear “The Dream Police” synths, and Kiss call-outs). “By My Side” is like a lost Boston outtake and “The Window” leans into even heavier rock, like Led Zepplin meets Extreme. Bacchi and lead vocalist Mark DiCarlo sound like they are having a ball doing this. I would only hope the band continues to record stuff, as they put on a great show recently. Highly Recommended.
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