March singles: Luke of Ulysses, Willie Dowling, The Amplifier Heads, Chaft, Softjaw

New month, and new singles! ‘Car Trouble’ is the debut solo single from Luke of Ulysses (UK Psych-Glam revival pioneers Ulysses). Luke played all the instruments and sang, except for a guest spot from his wife, Lily, as a hot French alien in the video. See the Bandcamp below for more! Willie Dowling has another single (“The Cure”) from his upcoming album to share (as a freebie), and The Amplifier Heads turn up the guitars and sax as it’s more rockin’ aliens. I had never heard of Chaft before, but I will be looking into this smart pop rocker from Norfolk, Massachusetts. Each of these 3 songs hit the mark, beautifully written and mixed. Finally, a solid single from California band Softjaw. “Waiting at the End” is a meat-and-potatoes power pop song along with a second single, “Pleased With Me” completed this month. Both deserve to be heard, and I hope a full-length LP is in the works.