Sept singles and EPs: Al Jardine, Graham Gouldman, The Well Wishers, The Popravinas, John Wlaysewski, The Cheap Cassettes, Squire

Some music veterans from the golden age are still producing, Beach Boy Al Jardine gives us a poignant “Wish” and legend Graham Gouldman (10cc) reminds us to seize the day with “We’re Alive.” Technically, Gouldman has a new album ‘I Have Notes’ and it deserves to be heard! The Well Wishers continue to deliver great music too with “Missing Person,” as The Popravinas give a us a new album including “The Girl Who Didn’t Want To Hear Any Tunes.” Sounds like someone I don’t wanna date. John Wlaysewski  (Late Cambrian) continues his journey across the pop landscape with a new EP with the help of Brendan Brown (Wheatus) and Dave Hill (Valley Lodge). It’s worth the trip, so check it out.  The Cheap Cassettes give us meat-and-potatoes rock and roll, and Squire releases focused soundscape in mono with a brilliant mix of the Big Star classic.