Luke Sneyd "All of Us Cities"

Luke Sneyd is a Toronto singer-songwriter. His debut solo album “All of Us Cities” is full of high energy modern power pop. His big single “The Prisoner” sounds a little like Jason Falkner, complete with muscular guitar melodies and a killer hook. The lyrics are pretty good too, and they take a slightly obtuse approach in “Unknown” for example: “Your love is like a scorpion … when it stings the poison is like heaven.” Luke takes a political shots at Bush with “I’m The Decider.” The production and musicianship is crisp like Brian Ray or Criag Bartock’s albums last year. Sometimes the songs take as turn into U2 territory for example in “Timeless” it’s rythym and driving drum line remind me of Bono’s earlier efforts. “Galileo” also stands out with extra heavy guitar with references to science vs. religion. It sounds like a mix between Rush and The Breetles! It’s not exactly politically correct stuff – it’s just plain cool stuff. Also no real duds here either. A good album and a definite e-music pick-up!

Luke Sneyd’s site | My Space | eMusic | Itunes

Listen to “The Prisoner”