Buddy Love "Now …And Then"

Reviewed by Mike Z.
The fact that the opening track of Buddy Love’s Now…and Then is titled “ Where Do We Go From Here?” is apt in that the song answers its own question: it’s more of the same in that this band has not broken character for a split second over the last twenty or so years. That is not necessarily a bad thing, however.

Buddy Love doesn’t exactly defy description, but they certainly have an interesting combination of sounds going on. Mostly they sound like an American band imitating a British band imitating an American band, if that makes any sense. They have a sound that flirts with progressive pop, sockhop rock, and commercial new wave. One can’t help but listen to this disc and imagine these geezers having the time of their lives while ably working the crowd at your favorite pub this coming Saturday night.

Essentially, the band delivers a smattering of good, fun tunes. You’re guaranteed not to have to think too hard about any of the lyrics, but more importantly, you’ll very likely catch yourself tapping your feet instantly and within a day or two you might even be humming some of the tunes. The standout from “Now” is the almost atmospheric “I Can’t Get Up,” which flirts with headier matter, but at the end of the day is just another rocking pop tune. While the “…and Then” side is curiously a little more on the lovelorn side, so do not miss “Party Girl,” the track most emblematic of what Buddy Love is all about.

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