Hammer No More The Fingers "self-titled"

Reviewed by Mike Z.
Let’s get this out of the way: the comparisons between Hammer No More the Fingers and either Presidents of the United States of America or Weezer are inevitable, and pretty much apt. But this band, especially after a few listens, brings even more to the table. That may be a bold statement for such a young act, but it’s difficult to disagree. To start, HNMTF not only rock but also know how to write a hook, which is a requisite for any good review. More importantly, they have a lyrical sensibility that deserves close inspection and reveals that they are a noteworthy notch above your typical college party band. Okay, no one’s going to confuse these guys with a latter day Baudelaire, but they strike an uncanny balance in their lyrics. There is a pronounced sense of humor to what they offer, and even though the lyrics are pro orgy, mushrooms, and vodka, they are not unapologetically so. So this is a party band with at least a little bit of a conscience. Use this as a litmus test and see if you agree: regarding said “Mushrooms,” lead vocalist Duncan Webster sings, “They’re pretty fucking tasty/Give them water, give them fertilizer, give them love/Just don’t give them to you kids.” Maybe that sort of wry parallel construction will go unnoticed by all but the English majors in the house, but when you factor in the well-crafted over-driven guitar licks, there really are the makings of something approaching great here.

HNMTF Site | My Space | Emusic | Itunes

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