Commercials with Power Pop hooks

It’s no secret that commercials are to some extent the new radio. Ask artists that are featured on itunes or even zune’s commercials if they don’t help sell a few albums. Entire blogs have been written on how the advertising jingle and the TV theme song are a dying breed. But sometimes a pop artist with a knack gets some commercial work. Allen Clapp of the Orange Peels has completed a Target TV spot with a neat version of the Beatles’ “Hello Goodbye”

See the ad posted here on The Orange Peels website.

Nice. But in the end it was only Clapp’s vocals that made it in the spot. Listen to the original version of “Hello Goodbye”

Right now the hot new song (by whom, I do not know) is for Subway. The song has a really great indie pop hook. It’s totally viral and spreading all over YouTube. Not traditional ad music at all. But that’s the point I guess.

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