“Gallimaufry” is defined by the dictionary as “a hodgepodge; jumble; confused medley.” This is an odd assortment of twee pop gems from Bob Vickers produced by fellow Orange Peels alum Allen Clapp. The other Vickers brother, Rob is the alter ego of Bob, but hey I won’t frown on this case of schizophrenia as long as it delivers music like this. The title sure is appropriate here, as it mixes all those great power pop influences in a stew that gives you totally unique sound. The opener “Blues For Frankie Valli” is a sweet bluegrass ballad in tribute to the legend. “What She Does” is a jangle and twang guitar twister of a pop song, with a smooth echoed chorus. “Things Slowly Change” is the best Harry Nilsson track he never wrote. Next comes “We’re Gonna Get Along Fine” – a Dylanesque vocal and guitar strum lead this wonderful track, and of course, a harmonica joins in. “English Rose” and “Top of The Stairs” are very similar to the Orange Peels work, with great guitar jangle and hummable hooks. Another gem is the piano ballad “Magic Like That” which is an awesome mix of Brian Wilson and Randy Newman-like lyrics. The end track “Record Collection Blues” is a cute Vaudeville ukulele which lists Vickers entire music library – all on an old mono Victrola. The melange of melodies are performed and engineered to perfection. No bad tracks here – if you think you’ve heard it all, get The Vickers Bros. and listen with headphones! Only at Kool Kat Musik and Parasol so far.