Josh Fix "Free At Last"

This was one of those discs from last year that passed under the radar, but no more. San Francisco native Josh Fix is a true phenomenon with his debut album “Free At Last.” If you combine a host of 70’s rock icons like Queen, Billy Joel and Elton John and the majestic sweeping pop they are known for, you’ve got a good idea of Josh’s sound. The rousing opener “Don’t Call Me In The Morning” uses all these influences to perfect effect. The densely produced, rocking, accessible Elton-esque mid-tempo ballad “Jethro” uses amazing piano, unconventional chord changes and that multi-track chorus to great effect. And Josh does this all almost single-handed (except for Andy Korn’s drums). Like Jackdaw 4 last year, fans will appreciate the familiar sounds gift wrapped in new melodies.”Whiskey & Speed” and “Rock and Roll Slut” would feel at home on Queen’s “Day At The Races.” Some of the other songs lean more towards the piano based, “Burn it Down” and “Bad With Superbad” remind some listeners of Ben Folds for sure. The multi-choral, multi-instrumental flourishes of “The Water on My Brain” echo the sound of 10cc. The piano in “I Thought About it First” is a classic mid-tempo end of the album finale with some guitar thrown in. Some may dismiss the derivative nature of the sound but a good line emerges from the albums end, “Well, if everyone’s heard this before, what’s the point?” The point is it’s great power pop and like comfort food, it is mouth watering and a pleasure to consume.

Josh Fix Website | My Space | Emusic | itunes | Not Lame

4 thoughts to “Josh Fix "Free At Last"”

  1. Had this for a long time couldn’t believe it was just going to fade away. a stunning album from start to finish. great review

  2. This is a great album. Don’t Call Me In The Morning is an especially great song. I can’t stop listening to it.

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