The Charlatans and Not Lame FREE music

Thanks to XFM, The Charlatans “You Cross My Path” is available as a FREE download. Speaking to Xfm frontman Tim Burgess revealed “We always knew this album was gonna be given away for free, even before we started writing so we wanted to make it the best album we’ve ever made. This isn’t a case of left over tracks and b-sides, we wanted to give our fans a quality record.” And after listening to it, the album is pretty good: plenty of Brit-pop guitars and pounding beats – read the rest of the PR here. An extra thanks to TooPoppy blog for finding this.

The Not Lame Blog has also announced an albums worth of FREE music for download, as well. Bruce is calling it “The Official Not Lame Blog Soundtrack” and it’s got tracks from a big list of favorite artists like, Doug Powell, P. Hux, The Shazam, Bleu and many others. You can’t go wrong with this. The more people hear these artists the better it is for power pop.

The Salteens – FREE music downloads

Sometimes an artist will give the fans a freebie or two to keep their name at the top of your mind and get the word out. Bryan Scary’s website has free downloads for his new album too and it’s an excellent way for indie bands to help their PR efforts. The Salteens are a wonderful little pop group that has a few catchy singles, “Hallowed Ways” and “Sunnyside St.” you can download for FREE:

You can also be a true blue fan and sign up for two songs a month here.