Weekend Freebies: Nato Coles and Static In Verona

Both these albums are available for a “Name-your-own-price” and fit proudly in my collection. You could also give the artists a little money and get these great power pop/rock LPs, perfect for a snowbound weekend!

Nato Coles

Nato Coles “Promises To Deliver”

Nato Coles LP isn’t new, but to me it was and I was super impressed by the talent of the man and his Blue Diamond Band. If Meatloaf played power pop it would sound just like the opener “See Some Lights.” Coles songs are anthems to the unsung – like the catchy “Julie (Hang Out A Little Longer)” is a blue collar rocker on par with Springsteen or Bob Seger.

Elements of country guitar and barroom rock are the primary style and done very well, from the driving odes to his van “Econoline” and the road in “Rudes and Cheaps.” Another standout is “The True Blue Rocker” a catchy anthem reminiscent of the Allman Brothers “Ramblin’ Man.” No filler here and absolutely highly recommended rock and roll.

Bandcamp | Amazon

Static In Verona

Static In Verona “Odd Anthem”

Chicago band Static in Verona (aka Rob Merz) has certainly changed over the years, and Odd Anthem is a solid addition to their catalog, but now they bring the high gloss synths to their indie pop productions. This doesn’t always make things better, as it tends to drown the magic of the harmonies in white noise. “Heavy Hands” is an excellent catchy song that could’ve used a lighter touch.

Some songs have a Coldplay-type of feel like “Future Ghosts” and “Shudder to Think,” with dramatic flourish in each chorus. It does have some successful experiments like “Wait, Wait” and “Then A Hush” with its unique percussive structure. “Forgetful” is my favorite song, with its upbeat chorus and successful blend of synths and bass guitar. I would’ve loved to hear the demos for this album. Some have added this LP to best-of lists, so its definitely worth repeat listens.

Bandcamp | Amazon

Jordan Andrew Jefferson and Bertling Noise Laboratories

Jordan Andrew Jefferson

Jordan Andrew Jefferson “The Only Way Out Is In”

This artist was pretty high on David Bash’s 2015 list and I had missed it. Jordan is a singer-songwriter multi-instrumentalist from West Virginia. A variety of influences can be heard, most from the mid 70’s and Jordan has great ear for melody and a killer falsetto when he needs it. Mostly this is heart-breaking love songs that stick in your head. Starting with “Ghost By The Water” it has a gentle keyboard, rising, melody and inspiring lyrics similar to Gerry Beckley (America) or Jeff Larson.

The harmonies are the big highlight on “White Light,” and “Beyond Words” sounds like it fell off America’s Homecoming LP with its echoing strums and multi-tracked chorus. “One Step At A Time” is a unique song with some nice jazzy guitar lines, and “It Is What It Is” has that Surf’s Up styled Beach Boys balladry that soars. Each song is a wonderful mix of melancholy and relief, even the 5 minute plus “The Party’s Over” is compelling. Highly Reccomended.

Amazon | CD Baby

Static In Verona

Bertling Noise Laboratories “The Flehmen Response”

Chicago musician Nick Bertling’s solo project Bertling Noise Laboratories has an album called The Flehmen Response named after the behavior of animals who grimace and bear their teeth. It starts with the dramatic piano melody “my opening remarks” which is similar to Ben Folds in style, but then we get “Radio,” a catchy single with a neat hook in the chorus.

The next several songs are mid tempo rockers that plough along, bringing to mind Toad The Wet Sprocket in spots. Some interesting chord shifts on “You Won’t Know Me” keep it interesting, and the rhythmic work of “I Don’t Want to Rock” is a Rundgren-like repudiation of a Led Zeppplin trope. “For Roy, Jefferey, and I” is a wonderful Move tribute full of lyrical and melodic references. Not everything works, but enough keepers here to rate this as a recommended pick-up.

Amazon | CD Baby

Tuesday Freebies: Hector and The Leaves, Matt Duncan, Vista Blue

Hector and The Leaves – Some nice mellow tunes from Tom Hector, and he really does wonders with Matt Williams (The Brigadier) production help. Check out the sweet harmonies on “Loved By You” and “Good Times.” Classic influences here from The Beach Boys to The Beatles. Highly Reccomended!

Matt Duncan came out with this last September and I finally got around to checking it out. If you like 70’s styled pop along the lines of Bread or Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds you should give it chance. Gotta love that soft rock vibe on “Tell You What I Know” and “Waking Up.”

Unlike a forgotten fruitcake, you’re sometimes happily surprised to find a holiday gift you didn’t unwrap in December. Vista Blue is a band that combines 60s surf strums, guitar fuzz chords and singalong melodies that recall the Beach Boys, Ramones, and Weezer. They’ve got four Baseball themed EPs and each one is a FREE download. Check it out!

Concert Review: Holy Holy

Fresh from the passing of David Bowie, I saw Holy Holy, the only authorized tribute to him at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. Holy Holy is a super group playing the early songs of David Bowie (1969 to 1973) led by two men who knew David very well. One was drummer Woody Woodmansey, formerly of Bowie’s backing band The Spiders from Mars and Tony Visconti, Bowie’s long time producer and occasional bass player. Joined by the commanding lead singer Glenn Gregory (formerly Heaven 17) and the dual guitars of James Stevenson and Paul Cuddeford they played the entire album of The Man Who Sold The World. Then they played several tracks from Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars and some additional hits. Including “All The Young Dudes,” “Changes” and ending off with “Suffragette City.” Without a doubt the spirit of Bowie seemed to fill the room and the energy from the sizable crowd was electric. If this band ever comes to your town I highly recommend you see this show.