Bill Lloyd and Jim Basnight

Bill Lloyd “Look Into It”
There is no doubt about the skill that Bill Lloyd possesses; nevertheless, after hitting a tremendous home run with Working The Long Game, he is satisfied to figuratively stop and smell the roses with his latest release. He explores a few different styles on this album, but it starts with the impressive low-rhythm title track “Look Into It.” This is Lloyd’s bread and butter, with a terrific riff in the chorus and a strong lyric. The curious “This Ain’t My Parade” recalls his earlier works, with a dreamer looking back on his career. Bill moves along with strange stories in “Aroma Dollerhead” and the pounding “Number System.” One of the better songs here is “Keep the Place Clean.” You can almost see the music video in your head; it’s so well done. “Road Trip Betty” is a great car-driving song; you can picture the signs just passing on the highway.
Check out “She Cheated on Her Pain” and “We Can Drive.” The depressing mood of these songs doesn’t diminish their narrative power. There are folk ballads (“Half Mast” is a nod to John Prine) and country acoustic (“Bunny in the High Grass”). There are weird attempts at reggae (“Don’t Watch Me”) and an instrumental (“Game Show Stars of the 70s”) But make no mistake, Lloyd’s music is a treasure, and most of his tunes hit the mark. Highly Recommended.

Jim Basnight “Summertime Peculiar”
Within the span of a double album consisting of 21 tracks, Jim Basnight has crafted what is arguably his most eclectic record to date. The album features elements of pop, rock, jazz, bluegrass, and blues. The best music here swings across several levels, starting with the swaying horns of “Summertime Again” to the light, goofy “Lattes.” The play “Little Rock” by Basnight served as the inspiration for many of the songs, and Suze Sims’ female backing vocals plus some strings give some of them a distinct adult jazz-pop feel. For the best of this style, check out “The Heart” and “Stars in Time.”
There are good rock songs (“What I Wouldn’t Do” and “We Rocked We Rolled”), but his best work here is on “Guilty” and Stones-like pop like “Stay To The End.” Another silly sing-along “Cameltoe” (doing a play on “Happy Trails”) and some country bluegrass and jazz notes (“Elma” and “Something Peculiar”), and there you have it. While the album theme doesn’t necessarily tell a story, the emotional delivery of most of these songs is strong and gets better with replays. This is music that deserves to be heard.
Party Leftovers: Singles that deserve to be heard
I counted an additional 258 albums that I did not even get to fully examine last year, but rather than come out with my Top 10 Eps of 2023 (that’s next week) I will give you some much-needed singles (some are freebies) to keep you company.
Shane Tumarc (Dolour) sets the stage with a great cover of the Zombies’ “This Will Be Our Year,” the energy of Rock Europa’s “Pick at the Scab” is infectious with a commanding melody line. Brower’s “Confrontation” is very much in the mold of early Frank Zappa with its faux 50’s call and response. Next, Rooftop Screamers has perfected the arena rocker single “Dead In The Water,” with a solid vocal by Rob Daiker. It’s been a good year, and The Armoires give us the gentle opening salvo on “Music & Animals,” a fitting theme for the ASPCA. Finally, Mo Troper had a big hand in 2023 with producing others (including himself), so “For You To Sing” includes friends Brenden Ramirez (Bory) and Blue Broderick (Diners). Fear not, as I have another singles post of 2023 songs that deserve to be heard! Stay tuned.
Power Pop Documentaries: Van Duren, Big Star, XTC, Chris Von Sneidern, Badfinger, Fountains of Wayne
FIRST, we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a special offer!
Get the printed edition of “Songs Stuck In My Head” for half off! That’s $15.00; you will not find the printed edition in any bookstore (including Amazon), so this is the only way to get one. This offer expires on 1/14/2024.
Click here –> Get “Songs Stuck In My Head”

What better way to spend a slow holiday week than with a power pop documentary?
Power pop documentaries are all over YouTube, so here is a short list of my favorites. The last two are more TV/internet specials and not full-on documentaries, but worth a watch if you don’t know these band’s histories. Of course, we are still waiting for a real power pop documentary. In the meantime, enjoy these links below:
Why Isn’t Chris Von Sneidern Famous?
Badfinger: They Sold A Million
Fountains of Wayne and the Many Imaginary Hits of Adam Schlesinger
The Power Popaholic Top 25 albums of 2023 + More
Because of its infectious melodies, catchy hooks, and guitar-driven rhythms, power pop has always had a special place in the hearts of music fans. This year saw a significant shift, with performers openly embracing a diverse range of inspirations, changing the genre’s sonic terrain. From indie rock to jangle, electronic elements to noise pop, the once-narrowly defined genre has broadened its horizons and welcomed new sound aspects. There is still a contingent of retro or Beatlesque rockers on this list, but they are not the majority here. Only one album here has not been officially reviewed in this list (you get a “no-prize” if you can spot it!) The EP list will be coming later this week! I look forward to a busy 2024.
- The Summertimes “The Summertimes”
- The Anderson Council “The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon”
- Kurt Baker “Rock ‘N’ Roll Club”
- The Small Square “Ours & Others”
- Erik Voeks “It Means Nothing Now”
- Cupid’s Carnival “Rainbow Child”
- Tamar Berk “Tiny Injuries”
- Mike Viola “Paul McCarthy”
- Uni Boys “Buy This Now!”
- Ryan Allen and His Extra Arms “The Last Rock Band”
- Rinehearts “Full Bloom”
- The Tearaways “And For Our Next Trick”
- Ryan Hamilton “Haunted By The Holy Ghost”
- Ransom and Subset “Perfect Crimes”
- Hurry “Don’t Look Back”
- The Midnight Callers “Rattled Humming Heart”
- Lemon Twigs “Everything Harmony”
- Nick Frater “Bivouac”
- The Pink Spiders “Freakazoid”
- Dave Kuchler “Love & Glory”
- Thomas Walsh “The Rest is History”
- Meyerman “Happy To See You”
- Justin Levinson “Collamer Circle”
- Mothboxer “Breathe”
- Onesie “Liminal Hiss”
- Duncan Reid “And It’s Goodbye From Him”
- The Rallies “It Must Be Love”
- Lunar Laugh “In The Black”
- Eyelids “A Colossal Waste Of Light”
- Brad Marino “Grin & Bear It”
- Somerdale “Let’s Get Started”
- The Flashcubes “Pop Masters”
- Salim Nourallah “A Nuclear Winter”
- The Blood Rush Hour “Sanity Fare”
- Diners “Domino”
- Parthenon Huxley “As Good As Advertised”
- Semisonic “Little Bit of Sun”
- Arthur Alexander “…Steppin’ Out!”
- Vanity Mirror “PUFF”
- Miss Chain & The Broken Heels “Storm”
- Dave Cope and the Sass “Killer Mods From Inner Space”
- Steve Stoeckel “The Power of And”
- Ed Ryan “A Big Life”
- Dropkick “The Wireless Revolution”
- Lane Steinberg “Headspace”
- Star Collector “Attack, Sustain, Decay... Repeat”
- The Radio Field “Don’ts and Dos”
- Chris Church “Radio Transient”
- Paul McCann “Alter Ego”
- Super Cassette “Continue?”