Erik Voeks & The Ghosters “It Means Nothing Now”
There’s always at least one artist a year who swoops in at the last minute to make a great impression on me. This year, that artist was Erik Voeks and The Ghosters. Voeks has been a tireless DIY musician making his music for many years, but this time he’s collaborated with a band, and the result is pure pop magic.
The general theme here is the ephemeral nature of all things. Both Voeks and guitarist Juan Ferrari do a masterful job together. The title track “It Means Nothing Now” is an incredible opener, with the jangle layered on top of relaxed harmonies akin to classic bands like The Byrds or America. “Hazy Maze” is another gem about the passing of time online and the endless photos that generate money for social media companies. “Everything Dissolves” chorus soars and is another gem.
The jaunty angled riffs of “Hieronymus” about a visit to Madrid perfectly describe a tourist’s mood, and then the chiming riffs of “The Most Confusing Part” are akin to classic Elvis Costello. “Suck It Up, Buttercup” starts with a T-Rex riff about the state of the political abyss and “we should’ve seen it coming.” The combination of excellent guitar breaks and wry lyrics on “It Breaks You” is a great example here. The album settles into a consistent groove without a single note of filler. And when it rocks out, like on “Love You Anyway,” it’s just irresistible. There are too many highlights to mention here, and it’s not only highly recommended; this makes my top ten of 2023 list!

Brad Marino “Grin and Bear It”
Grin and Bear It is the title of Brad Marino’s new album, which features 12 songs that encompass Rock n’ Roll, Punk Rock, and Power Pop. There are moments in life when you simply have to give up and accept the situation. His ability to write great new music using the classic rock and roll template is really impressive.
In addition, Brad gladly collaborates with his fellow “New England Mafia” (Kurt Baker, Geoff Palmer, and Zack Sprague) on all manner of songs. The sound of The Connection lives through Brad on “Back Again” and the Baker-penned “Hung Up.” The title track is always about letting things slide: “Who cares what they say about you…” It’s also characterized by a jagged and halting rhythm that captures your attention. The beauty here is that Brad adds his blues-rock touches to songs like “Another Sad and Lonely Night” (a Bobby Fuller cover), and he also covers The Rolling Stone’s “(She’s) Doing Her Thing” and “Monkey Man!” Not a bad track in the bunch. Highly Recommended.