Dot Dash and The Nervous Eaters

Dot Dash

Dot Dash “Madman in the Rain”

This may be Dot Dash’s seventh album, but Madman in the Rain almost feels like a debut. Remember the thrill of late 80’s alternative rock? R.E.M, The Connells, The Windbreakers? You get that giddy feeling with the jangling opener “Forever Far Out” and its breezy follow-up “Space Junk, Satellites.” “You Gotta Have A Heart, To have a Heart Attack!”  is the melodic phrase on “Tense & Nervous”  that jumps out at you in celebration.

Additional highlights include “Airwaves,” and “Everything = Dust,” and while not everything here sticks, most songs do. Guitarist/vocalist Terry Banks and bassist Hunter Bennett are joined by drummer Danny Ingram on this terrific album. It’s both immediate and engaging. Highly Recommended.

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik

The Nervous Eaters

The Nervous Eaters “Monsters + Angels”

The Boston-based punk rock band The Nervous Eaters may be old geezers, but they play a mean mix of garage rock, with grizzled bravado and energy. I mean, Mick Jagger is 79, and Neil Young is 77, so you’re still allowed to rock the house.

While more guitar pop than punk, Monsters + Angels is a superb showcase for songwriter Steve Cataldo’s thoughts on aging and other reactions to a world in crisis. An early standout here is “Superman’s Hands” with its jangling verses and forceful hook. “Hop Sing Said” is another chugging rhythm about the city, and “Chad” is a dramatic rocker about the ingenue that got away. Overall a very, very good album without a hint of filler, even the slower “Evilynn (Zombies and Sapphires)” recalls Procol Harum at points. A terrific comeback for a band that never should have left. Highly Recommended.

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik

The Dowling Poole and Brad Marino

Dowling Poole

Dowling Poole “Refuse”

The duo known as Dowling Poole delivers selections from a few previously released EPs, and other digital sources. Willie Dowling and Jon Poole injected more politics into the subject matter for these tunes, and they remain very effective. “The Strawman” is a magnificent opener about political corruption, and in direct contrast is “Miles Checks Out” with its breezy verses and carnival-style cadence.

The band goes out of its way to avoid the typical verse-chorus structure, like on “Bright Spark” and gives us both elegance and whimsy on “Push Repeat.” Over the years the influence of XTC has waned and Sparks has increased with this band. That may be a challenge for some, so if you’re looking for simple melodies, go elsewhere. Otherwise, highly recommended.


Brad Marino

Brad Marino “Basement Beat”

Brad Marino (The Connection) has a new obsession with The Ramones. He’s composed an entire album of music that sounds like The Ramones. The music is simple three-chord manna, under 2 minutes each, and when it works it’s a lot of fun. Songs like “Communist Creep” and “Spy for the BBI” have enough of a hook to get you boppin’ your head.

However, some songs just sound way too similar, or songs with all verse-no-chorus like “Dream Last Night.” While I appreciate the love, this only made me want to listen to Rocket To Russia. Recommended for Brad Marino fans, others may want to start with Even The Score.


Ho-Ho-Holiday Music: It’s beginning to look a lot like…

Well… here we go again. Enjoy the sounds while we countdown the days until the new year and my year-end top 10 list. I have several more reviews to post and of course, brand-new Christmas music. I made an exception with The Minus 5, but everything else here is new. Both Vista Blue and The Happy Somethings are a “name-your-price” download. Enjoy!

Kai Danzberg is offering VINYL for you audiophiles

One of my long-covered artists here at Power Popaholic is Kai Danzberg. He put out his latest album Satellite earlier this year and is very much a fan of the Jellyfish, ELO, and Beatles pop styles. He even got Roger Joseph Manning, Jr. (Jellyfish) to be part of it. It is still available on Bandcamp. But he is now trying to build demand for those looking to buy a 10″ vinyl.

So Kai has started this crowd-funded project. This can only be achieved if 100 people order the record. You will only be charged at the end of the project. If the amount of money was not reached by that time, no one will be charged.

Order the Vinyl Record


The Speedways and Fuzzbubble

The Speedways

The Speedways “Talk Of The Town”

London-based The Speedways are part of a handful of bands (The Whiffs, The Reflectors, Uni-Boys)  that base their sound on the late 70s and early-80s power pop.  The good news is The Speedways actually write songs that sound like they would’ve been hits back then. Starting with “Dead from The Heart Down” and “Secret Secret” it recalls the glory days of 20-20 or The Knack. The harmonies and the guitar riffs are infectious throughout.

“Shoulda Known” and “Strange Love” are pure Elvis Costello-like magic and the echoing jangle of “A Drop In The Ocean” is another potential hit from 1980 in an alternate universe. The guitars get even more pumped for “A Song Called Jayne & A Lie Called Love” and the layered gem “Summer’s Over.” Just about every song hits the mark here. In the finale “Wrong Place Wrong Time” the guitar style recalls The Records with some notable solo hard rock licks. Overall, a terrific retro album that deserves a nomination for my top ten list of 2022.



Fuzzbubble “Cult Stars From Mars”

Fuzzbubble were radio darlings back in 2000. In my recent interview with Fuzzbubble lead guitarist Jim Bacchi, he originally referred to the project as “Cult Stars From Mars,” not really making it clear it was a Fuzzbubble project. These terrific singles had been out for over two years. Well, after a few more tracks we have an album.

The starting tracks are rockers in the tradition of classic Cheap Trick, as “Can’t Wait To See You” and “Funny Face” are simply just great. “Regretfully Yours” takes a deliberate step in a Jellyfish-like direction, while newer tracks “I Like That Song!” take on a more epic arena rock quality (you hear “The Dream Police” synths, and Kiss call-outs). “By My Side” is like a lost Boston outtake and “The Window” leans into even heavier rock, like Led Zepplin meets Extreme. Bacchi and lead vocalist Mark DiCarlo sound like they are having a ball doing this. I would only hope the band continues to record stuff, as they put on a great show recently. Highly Recommended.

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik