Get a freakin’ T-Shirt already.

Okay here’s the pitch. I’ve got about 12 shirts left in stock and they gotta go. It’s a custom made silkscreened shirt – perfect for concert wearing and eating ice cream. Only a few extra large shirts left, and the rest are large. Only $12.00 + $5.00 shipping. Delivered through USPS – international buyers will be asked to pay additional shipping charges.

The Emitt Rhodes revival

One of my favorite under appreciated artists, the great Emitt Rhodes is the one of the few (Badfinger being another) who took up the Beatlesque musical legacy right where Lennon-McCartney left it after the fab four broke up. Billboard magazine called him “one of the finest artists on the music scene today” (4/3/71) and later referred to his debut as one of the “best albums of the decade” (11/23/96.) Alternative Press described it as “essential listening…a true pop gem…” (2/96) It’s a shame that to your average person-on-the-street today, the name Emitt Rhodes doesn’t mean much. From his days as a member of The Palace Guard, The Merry Go Round, and then his solo work – Emitt was one of pop’s brightest and most melodic musicians. After getting chewed up and spit out by the music business, Emitt as faded into obscurity until recently. The new box set: The Emitt Rhodes Recordings 1969-1973 is a superb primer for those who want to hear this genius at work. It contains all remastered tracks (no bonus tracks) of his work that’s been out of print for over 30 years. It’s available on Amazon.

Emitt Rhodes Site | Amazon

Listen to one of my favorite tracks “Somebody Made For Me”

The Emitt Rhodes film documentary, “The One Man Beatles”, will premiere at the Rome International Film Festival on October 21st & 22nd. The film, which is in the running for best documentary in the festival, includes several songs which will be on the forthcoming CD performed live in the studio by the new Emitt Rhodes Band. English narration is currently being put together for the release in the USA. Is it me, or does this theme of the unsung musician sound familiar?

Brian Ray. The Powerpopaholic Interview

One of the very first reviews on this blog, was for Brian Ray’s Mondo Magneto. This self described rock god, guitarist and bass player for Paul McCartney made some time to chat with me. His newest album This Way Up is scheduled for 2010 release. Brian has played with many other musical legends such as Bobby Pickett, Etta James, Smokey Robinson and, more recently, played on Chris Cornell’s solo album. If you’d like to read the interview it is posted on The Rock and Roll Report. Or you can listen here to the entire interview streaming (14 minutes).

Since he’s on the “new album” promo tour, he has put out a few YouTube videos which give you a few hints as to what it sounds like. Enjoy!

Jim Duffy and Haxty

Jim Duffy “Mood Lit”
It’s rare that I’ll review an instrumental album. But this one hit my sweet spot – and with Dennis Diken (Smithereens) on the drums, I figured it was worth looking into. Jim Duffy gathered a small jazz combo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to put this lounge pop confection together. Included are Paul Page (bass) and Lance Doss (guitars) from Ian Hunter’s band. If you enjoy Burt Bacharach or The Vince Guaraldi Trio you will really love this album. The keyboards are where Jim shines on every track here. You’ll hear a bit of a Stevie Wonder styled melody on the tribute “Stevie Says.” Occasionally it takes a detour – “Memento Mori” is one of those songs where the horns take you on a journey, and you don’t miss vocals one bit here. Every song tends to flow in a different direction, so unlike other jazz pop albums I’ve heard it doesn’t get stylistically repetitive. Superior production and mixing work here balances out the players, so no one overshadows the other and the combo plays like a well oiled (organic) machine. Overall a very enjoyable album, and a big cut above your average instrumentals heard in Starbucks. So put down the coffee and enjoy a cocktail with Jim Duffy.

MySpace | CD Baby

Haxty “Haxty EP”
This is a bittersweet story from Philadelphia. A local band named Panel took a break from touring — but during that vacation the bass player, Greg Haxty was tragically killed in an auto accident. As a result, the band broke up. A few years later the band reconnects and reforms in the studio under the name Haxty. And after this debut, you’ll want to hear more from this band. Opening with the smooth guitar rhythm and a clean vocal of “Bones & Stars” it proves to be a muscular pop single. However, the next track “Signs” is a pure hook filled delight that comes across like a cross between The Rembrandts and REM and is the real keeper here. Another winner is “Revolution Song” with it’s bouncy lead and ascending chorus of “if it feels alright, I don’t mind anymore.” It’s a short 5 track EP, but it gets the point across. And it’s most definitely ipod worthy.

MySpace | E-Music | Itunes | Amazon

The Luxury "In The Wake Of What Won’t Change"

The Luxury are a Boston based band that is lead by the songs of frontman/guitarist Jason Dunn. The Luxury’s sound ranges from epic guitar Britpop (“Getaway Car”) to brass driven pop (“Straitjacket”). The sound is big and slick, like Oasis with a hint of The Police in Dunn’s vocal style. The soaring guitars on “Take It Back” is a whirl of lush pop with some progressive synth stylings. The synths that lead on tracks like “‘Til Your Last Year” are pretty overpowering in spots. The band does have everything here to go to mainstream success, as tracks like “The Mirror Fogs” and “Next In Line” are full of harmonies and driving rhythms not unlike REM. The most Oasis-laden track here is the brilliant “Nothing Comes To Mind” with multi layered guitars and lush chord changes with Dunn’s rich vocals. It’s hard to pin down a weak point on the album, as the band goes all out on the Kinks meets Flaming Lips track “012009.” The mid-tempo track “Sing For The Last Train” does go into familiar Radiohead territory, and although most of this music isn’t strictly power pop it will appeal to fans of high quality alternative rock. The superior production work here is so good, you won’t find yourself skipping many tracks, and like the last Luxury album I reviewed, it could easily become a fan favorite. This is a band just gets better with each release and I would not be surprised if it becomes a sleeper success this year.

MySpace | The Luxury’s Site | Not Lame | Kool Kat Musik