Dowling Poole “Refuse”
The duo known as Dowling Poole delivers selections from a few previously released EPs, and other digital sources. Willie Dowling and Jon Poole injected more politics into the subject matter for these tunes, and they remain very effective. “The Strawman” is a magnificent opener about political corruption, and in direct contrast is “Miles Checks Out” with its breezy verses and carnival-style cadence.
The band goes out of its way to avoid the typical verse-chorus structure, like on “Bright Spark” and gives us both elegance and whimsy on “Push Repeat.” Over the years the influence of XTC has waned and Sparks has increased with this band. That may be a challenge for some, so if you’re looking for simple melodies, go elsewhere. Otherwise, highly recommended.

Brad Marino “Basement Beat”
Brad Marino (The Connection) has a new obsession with The Ramones. He’s composed an entire album of music that sounds like The Ramones. The music is simple three-chord manna, under 2 minutes each, and when it works it’s a lot of fun. Songs like “Communist Creep” and “Spy for the BBI” have enough of a hook to get you boppin’ your head.
However, some songs just sound way too similar, or songs with all verse-no-chorus like “Dream Last Night.” While I appreciate the love, this only made me want to listen to Rocket To Russia. Recommended for Brad Marino fans, others may want to start with Even The Score.