Long mentioned on a musical “where-are-they-now?” list was acclaimed indie band The Mommyheads (Adam Elk, Dan Fisherman, Michael Holt and Jeff Palmer) and even though their debut on Geffen Records turned heads among critics, they’ve been silent for ten years since. Well, as fate would have it, the death of The Mommyheads’ original drummer, Jann Kotik, in 2007, helped bring the band back together and they decided to reform to honor their friend. They resemble less the old emo-pop tunesmiths, and a more mature Death Cab for Cutie without all the indie drama and a heaping of XTC influence. I was a bit sour on the opener “Work” – a moody excercise, suited to an albums end. But this is an album that takes a few listens to fully stick. And stick it will, from the great single “Help Me” with it’s wonderful chord changes and guitar strumming. The follow up “Angels and Weathermen” is almost as catchy with some smart lyrics as well. The songs are a complex weave of melody and meaning, for example the mid-tempo “Washing Machine” where lead singer Adam pleads “Devils grinning/my souls spining/in your washing machine” – this is an excellent track and a highlight. The quick simple pop song is still a strength here with the “Stupid Guy” – a light keyboard lead song of melodic ear candy. The rest of the album doesn’t sustain the momentum as well, but it still has moments of brilliance sprinkled throughout. A welcome reunion that deserves your attention. I expect wider distribution of the album soon.
My Space | Bladen County Records
Listen to the “Help Me”
Listen to the “Stupid Guy”