The Salteens – FREE music downloads

Sometimes an artist will give the fans a freebie or two to keep their name at the top of your mind and get the word out. Bryan Scary’s website has free downloads for his new album too and it’s an excellent way for indie bands to help their PR efforts. The Salteens are a wonderful little pop group that has a few catchy singles, “Hallowed Ways” and “Sunnyside St.” you can download for FREE:

You can also be a true blue fan and sign up for two songs a month here.

My Brother Woody "It’s A Long Way From That Sort Of Thing You Were Raised"

My Brother Woody is the work of a one man band called Michael Cleare and his debut LP while long of title, has a pile of good Californian-styled songs full of clean harmony and understated brass. The opener “Another Wave of Harmony” is an equal mix of Pernice Brothers and Big Star. Teenage Fanclub, Ron Sexsmith and the Beach Boys also spring to mind when listening to “Wish I Was A DJ” with it’s warm soft melody, and sunny arrangements. Michael Cleare, a native of Ireland explains it well on “I only like songs with bops, oohs and aahs”. Well here at Powerpopaholic, we like that too. Cleare’s vocal delivery is similar to Elvis Costello, but with a hushed whisper instead of raspiness as evidenced by “Super Serotonin Girl” (my favorite tune on the album here). A richer production would bring some of these songs from mortal status to divine, and can best be compared with early efforts of pop faves The Davenports. The closest to greatness here is the ballad “Your New Found Taste” which has a bit of soul with your Pet Sounds-like horn section. The songs get better with repeat listenings, especially “I Got A Gurl” and “When Summer Comes Around.” The only misstep I hear is “Shelly” where the Brian Wilson-esque arrangements feel forced. As debut albums go, My Brother Woody is a pleasant diversion that Orchestral/Baroque pop fans will want to get for sure. Keep an eye on this artist, as I expect great things to come.

Michael Cleare Website | My Space | E-music | Kool Kat Musik

The Goldbergs "Under the Radar"

Andy Goldberg is at it again and would you believe he can top the shining “Hooks, Lines & Sinkers”? I think with “Under the Radar,” Andy joins the pantheon of great power pop singer-songwriters, artists like Michael Carpenter, Willey Wisely and Mike Viola. The Beatles-inspired opener “Please Won’t You Please” will hook you for good, complete with the multi-tracked harmonic sweetness and Rickenbacker guitars. I am convinced Rich Pagano is really Ringo reincarnated (well, he was part of the Fab Faux). And this is no one-hit-wonder, as the next tune “Ain’t Gonna Stop” is a lovely mid-tempo Badfinger meets The Red Button type song. The hooks pile on as well in “Feel The Sun” – and I dare you not to do handclaps to this one! Then “Water Blue” shuffles into a mellow place, like if Air Supply was fronted by The Hudson Brothers. All the tunes here are fantastic and that Hudson Brothers meets George Harrison vibe follows through the rest of the album. The next song, “Missing You” has a bit of Jeff Lynne, with those amazing chord changes that stick in your head all day. Andy could’ve easily over-produced any of these songs, but he doesn’t and that’s what separates the men from the boys here. Nothing weak here and the balance between vocal and instrumental professionalism is perfect. This is easily on my best of 2008 list. Don’t miss it. It’s a Kool Kat Musik release – so get it now.

My Space | Kool Kat Musik

Andrew "From Me To You"

To say Andrew Sandoval is prolific is the height of understatement. He’s recorded and toured with Dave Davies (of the Kinks) and produced reissues of classic baroque pop and rock artists from The Beach Boys to the Zombies and loads of bands in between. In 2005 he wrote THE book on The Monkees and is a DJ with weekly radio show called “Come To The Sunshine” on So how’s the music he does on his own? I compare him to a modern day Curt Boettcher, using light melody and multi-tracked harmonies that even makes a song titled “I Hate Your Guts” sound like a gentle love poem. Andrew is a baroque pop specialist and has a delicate touch to each song similar to Micheal Penn. A good mix of Beach Boys, Van Dyke Parks and Zombies are influences for Andrew’s own laid back California-styled ballads. “From Me To You” goes through several songs about the cycle of heartbreak (what else). A standout here is the Pet Sounds meets Everly Brothers tune “Something For You.” The lyrics are earnest, if sappy and “Something Warm” brings back memories of The Turtles best ballads. What else can I say? This is truly a perfect album “for a blue afternoon in your lonely room.”

Andrew’s Website | My Space | CD Baby | Not Lame

Michael Carpenter "Can’t Go Back"

G’day powerpopaholics! This great sounding video by Aussie power popper Michael Carpenter tells me another album may be on the way soon! This is classic hook-filled goodness with all that Beatles paraphernalia in the studio for inspiration.