The Dave Clark Five "Glad All Over"

One of my favorite “oldies” groups and part of the original British invasion following in the Beatles wake. In fact, the first major hit, “Glad All Over”, knocked the Beatles’ “I Want To Hold Your Hand” off the No.1 spot in 1964. They are finally getting inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 10. Unfortunately singer and keyboard player Mike Smith will not attend due to his death yesterday at age 64. These guys had tons of monster hits in the sixties: “Because”, “Catch Us If You Can”, “Bits and Pieces”, “I Like it Like That” and my favorite “Glad all Over.” R.I.P. Mike – thanks for the great music.

The Third Men "Boost"

The Third Men are a tough and abrasive yet soft and cuddly band from Omaha, Nebraska. Fans of jangle-pop will feel warm fuzzies with “Boost.” Bassist Mike Tulis gathered the band together in 2004 and has produced a stellar effort this year. Lead singer Matt Rutledge has a distinct vocal cadence, similar to Bob Mould or Peter Holsapple. The album opens with the Pysch-rock “High” a song that has elements of Myracle Brah and bits of The Minus 5. The goofy humor in the lyrics of “Happy as Larry” along with rich keyboards and guitar rhythms is a real toe tapper here. The first half of the album has that mid 1980’s Chapel Hill, NC rich pop sound – “What A Day” even references the Miami Vice TV show in the lyric. Then the tone shifts to a perfect Who meets Jan & Dean in “G.A.S.” It’s a perfect mid 70’s era power rocker (more cowbell fellas). My favorite song here, “Come on Home” is a standout where the style and melodic hooks come together just right. It would be great to here more of this type of song. But instead, we venture into Van Halen meets Bob Mould of “Visigoths.” Still a good song though and it takes a turn toward the DB’s style of guitar playing. It gets really interesting with “Evelyn” a cool story song with a blistering guitar solo. The remaining songs mine this style and do a pretty good job with cool pop jangle throughout. “Pink Cheerleader” is another power pop song where the break allow more guitar virtuosity, and you gotta love the “Ooh, la, las” here. Fans of the above mentioned bands, Chris Stamey, Let’s Active, Mitch Easter will love this. So give it a listen.

The Third Men | My Space | Kool Kat Musik | Not Lame | I-tunes

The Salteens – FREE music downloads

Sometimes an artist will give the fans a freebie or two to keep their name at the top of your mind and get the word out. Bryan Scary’s website has free downloads for his new album too and it’s an excellent way for indie bands to help their PR efforts. The Salteens are a wonderful little pop group that has a few catchy singles, “Hallowed Ways” and “Sunnyside St.” you can download for FREE:

You can also be a true blue fan and sign up for two songs a month here.

My Brother Woody "It’s A Long Way From That Sort Of Thing You Were Raised"

My Brother Woody is the work of a one man band called Michael Cleare and his debut LP while long of title, has a pile of good Californian-styled songs full of clean harmony and understated brass. The opener “Another Wave of Harmony” is an equal mix of Pernice Brothers and Big Star. Teenage Fanclub, Ron Sexsmith and the Beach Boys also spring to mind when listening to “Wish I Was A DJ” with it’s warm soft melody, and sunny arrangements. Michael Cleare, a native of Ireland explains it well on “I only like songs with bops, oohs and aahs”. Well here at Powerpopaholic, we like that too. Cleare’s vocal delivery is similar to Elvis Costello, but with a hushed whisper instead of raspiness as evidenced by “Super Serotonin Girl” (my favorite tune on the album here). A richer production would bring some of these songs from mortal status to divine, and can best be compared with early efforts of pop faves The Davenports. The closest to greatness here is the ballad “Your New Found Taste” which has a bit of soul with your Pet Sounds-like horn section. The songs get better with repeat listenings, especially “I Got A Gurl” and “When Summer Comes Around.” The only misstep I hear is “Shelly” where the Brian Wilson-esque arrangements feel forced. As debut albums go, My Brother Woody is a pleasant diversion that Orchestral/Baroque pop fans will want to get for sure. Keep an eye on this artist, as I expect great things to come.

Michael Cleare Website | My Space | E-music | Kool Kat Musik

The Goldbergs "Under the Radar"

Andy Goldberg is at it again and would you believe he can top the shining “Hooks, Lines & Sinkers”? I think with “Under the Radar,” Andy joins the pantheon of great power pop singer-songwriters, artists like Michael Carpenter, Willey Wisely and Mike Viola. The Beatles-inspired opener “Please Won’t You Please” will hook you for good, complete with the multi-tracked harmonic sweetness and Rickenbacker guitars. I am convinced Rich Pagano is really Ringo reincarnated (well, he was part of the Fab Faux). And this is no one-hit-wonder, as the next tune “Ain’t Gonna Stop” is a lovely mid-tempo Badfinger meets The Red Button type song. The hooks pile on as well in “Feel The Sun” – and I dare you not to do handclaps to this one! Then “Water Blue” shuffles into a mellow place, like if Air Supply was fronted by The Hudson Brothers. All the tunes here are fantastic and that Hudson Brothers meets George Harrison vibe follows through the rest of the album. The next song, “Missing You” has a bit of Jeff Lynne, with those amazing chord changes that stick in your head all day. Andy could’ve easily over-produced any of these songs, but he doesn’t and that’s what separates the men from the boys here. Nothing weak here and the balance between vocal and instrumental professionalism is perfect. This is easily on my best of 2008 list. Don’t miss it. It’s a Kool Kat Musik release – so get it now.

My Space | Kool Kat Musik