Is that all there is? As I mentioned earlier, the genre is more flexible than most (Metal anyone?) and I listened to some great indie/alternative rock this year that deserves to be listed. For the record, my favorite this year of the group has been Silverchair “Young Modern”, what I consider a great crossover album that power pop fans will really enjoy. Anyway, if I get time later this year, I will pull out one of these for further detailed review. For now, if you want a good quality follow up to your power pop music collection this would be a good starting point. Being mostly mainstream albums, you will be able to find these anywhere (Amazon, Itunes, etc.)
- Silverchair “Young Modern”
- Arcade Fire “Neon Bible”
- Fallout Boy “Infinity on High”
- LCD Soundsytem “Sound of Silver”
- Maroon 5 “it won’t be long”
- The National “Boxer”
- Of Montreal “Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?”
- The Shins “Wincing The Night Away”
- The Weakerthans “Reunion Tour”
- Hard-Fi “Once Upon A Time in The West””