Arthur Yoria "I’ll be Here Awake"

Excellent Modern melodic rock is the name of the game for Arthur Yoria. The dominating riffs and techno beats are very catchy on “I’ll be Here Awake” and “Permanent.” Fans of Rooney, Brendon Benson and The Strokes will flip for Yoria’s stylistic production. “Sleep is on the Way” a hearty guitar fuelled tune that borders on the epic anthem. “She Looks Like You” is another great anthemic rocker that will have you dancing in no time and shaking to the beat. “P.S.A.” is a piano based, hook-filled gem that does everything Fall Out Boy wishes he could do – emotion with absolute honesty. “I’ll Pretend” is a powerful rocker that Rooney fans are sure to enjoy, with its driving guitar, excellent melodic riffs, and catchy beats. “Sevilla” is an interesting song that starts off like a quite ballad with crashing buzz of a chorus, making it very cinematic. Last year Craig Bartock had a similar approach, that came out of nowhere and blew me away. Every song here is a keeper and Yoria’s sound is a welcome approach for a singer/songwriter. This album came out about two years ago, but I’ve just found it and boy, I’m glad I didn’t miss it.

Arthur Yoria Website | My Space | Kool Kat Musik | CD Baby | Not Lame

Keith LuBrant "Searching for Signal"

This adult contemporary pop release follows in the footsteps of greats like Doug Powell and Cliff Hillis. The first song is the catchy title tune “Searching for a Signal” and Keith gets some help from Power pop fan favorite Jim Boggia. The songs benefit from strong lyrics and clean studio production as well as melodies. Keith’s vocals are strong here, not unlike John Faye or Roger Manning. The Manning comparison comes forth on “Postcards and memories” with guest Mike Viola (Candy Butchers). My favorite song here is the coping song “I Survived” it has lots of great guitar work and insightful lyrics. Occassionally the songs evoke a roots based sound similar John Cougar Mellencamp on many tracks, like “My own way” or “easier.” The mid-tempo “Disconnected” chorus has a little Rundgrenesque quality to it. Sometimes the songs are really good, but missing the hooks to make it great (“Independence”). That said, it is a strong release that would be a good addition to your collection. You can listen to samples of the entire album streaming from Keith’s site and he’s got some neato bonus tracks online via a secret link code in the liner notes.

Keith LuBrant Website | My Space | Kool Kat Musik | CD Baby

Listen to “Searching for a Signal” sampler

The Left Banke "Walk Away Renee"

Enjoy this classic lip syncing performance of The Left Banke from October 1966. Keyboardist Michael Brown wrote this classic song about his crush on fellow bandmate bassist Tom Finn’s girlfriend Renee. I was in diapers at the time…

The Special Pillow "Sleeping Beauty"

The Special Pillow are a New Jersey based psych-pop group that resembles classic Elephant 6 bands like The Apples in Stereo and Olivia Tremor Control. “I love your smile” is a great example of the funky psychedelic goodness here. The next few tracks continue this wonderful exploration with lots of unusual instrumentation, including exotic guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, and mandocello. Dan Cuddy’s melodic acid trip is like kool-aid for your soul here with more hooks than a bait shop. “No more problems” gives us a lazy sliding melody and is perfectly laid back. It takes a sharp hard rock turn on the excellent “Your Dead City” which reminds me of The Apples in Stereo doing a Kiss song. The bouncy “Ghosts Are Real” has a Celtic feel to it, with the compelling chorus that sticks in your head like glue. “Universal Mother’s Day” is my favorite here, it reminds me of Love and Rockets mixed with Bacharach orchestral pop flourishes. It looses a bit of direction towards the end of the album, but it still maintains interest. Not as guitar intense as The Mother Hips, but much catchier melodies here. If you like psych pop, this is essential listening. Light up the incense!

Special Pillow Website | My Space | Itunes | CD Baby

Listen to “I Love Your Smile”

Listen to “Your Dead City”

Crowded House "Time on Earth"

I was convinced that Crowded House was gone and Tim Finn’s wonderful “Imaginary Kingdom” last year was all that was coming out. An older, wiser Crowded House now releases “Time on Earth” and although I’ve been a fan for many years, this disk takes more time to grow on you. This sounds closer to a Neil Finn Solo record and unfortunately can’t hold a candle to Crowded House classics like “Woodface.” It’s a melancholy affair that laments over mortality and this was recorded with the death of Paul Hester (the band’s original drummer, occasional songwriter and friend of Neil’s since the end of Split Enz) looming in every track. It still has it’s share of hooks like the single “Don’t Stop Now” and the up-tempo “She Called Up” which is the best song on the album in my opinion. However the ballads here take over. “English Trees” and the beautiful “Nobody Wants to” are more the somber tone here. These are great songs but midway through the album it loses momentum and ends with a whimper in “People are like Suns.” The other bright spot is a collaboration with Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr on “Even A Child.” These bright spots lift the entire album up from being a mid-tempo mediocrity. This is a fitting tribute to Hester and I hope the next album is more upbeat.

My Space | Crowded House Website | Itunes | Amazon

Listen to “Don’t stop now”