The Pauls "Miss Tokyo"

Cross Elvis Costello and Tom Petty with some Neil Young and you get Carlos Oliver from The Pauls, a pop group from Madrid, Spain. As a band, The Pauls compare with The Wallflowers or The Black Crows a bit and play with a gritty American 70’s type of sound. On some songs the melodies are great, like “Fingers through your hair and rock and roll” or “Can’t Shine Tonight.” Other songs it sounds like Oliver is channeling a stoned Bob Dylan playing with Steely Dan in songs like “The Princess of the Moon.” Lots of nice guitar work with organ, horn and harmonica flourishes on plenty of songs that make for an enjoyable album. Having heard earlier albums, this one is a bit more rock and less pop, but it suits the band better. Once in a while, the songs drift into lyrical incoherent sounds like in “Too hot for spring” but at other times it all falls in place, like on “Wicked Man Blues.” “Some like of love” has a little bit of a Lenny Kravitz feel and that’s good too. The album has a spontaneous “live” feeling, complete with occassional feedback and studio noises and this gives the album some of it’s charm. Check it out.

The Pauls Website | Not Lame | Kool Kat | My Space

Listen to “Wicked Man Blues”

Listen to “Miss Tokyo”

Unsigned: The Wonderful Guinea Pigs

Here is a criminally unsigned band from overseas that is just amazing. The Wonderful Guinea Pigs are Dan Johansson and Joakim Paulsson from Linköping, Sweden. With the addition of Jens Mårtensson(guitar), Magnus Samuelson(bass guitar) and David Pärsson(keyboards) completing the line-up, the Guinea Pigs recorded a bunch of songs that got on the local radio. They were voted “best unsigned act” at Manifestgalan 2007 (that’s a local indie music fest over there)! This is a great opportunity to have a label take these talented guys and set the power pop music world on fire. Currently they have a CD-R of demos completed last year and if you want to hear this click on the link below. The sound is not unlike Big Star, Popsicle, and especially Teenage Fanclub. The sound is very clean and polished with melodic harmonies and stuffed full of hooks – In fact, this is the best unsigned demo I heard this year. I wish them much good luck.

The Wonderful Guinea Pigs MySpace Page

The Hillary Step "Knee Deep in Giants"

Another one of those “it-ain’t-power-pop-but-I-like-it” reviews: Named after a nearly vertical part of Mount Everest, The Hillary Step is a folk pop duo. It consists of Rob Schiffmann and Jon Rothstein, with a capable supporting cast. Their album, “Knee Deep in Giants” has some really gorgeous moments. The single “Olio” is a great song that rivals the best of Dan Fogelberg or Kenny Loggins. The albums opener, “Meanwhile” is another gem and a great example of the harmony filled greatness they possess. “The Only Thing” is a country-flavored pop tune that is also downright catchy, like classic Toad The Wet Sprocket. The production is slick, yet clean and lets the voices shine through perfectly. Occasionally, the songwriting is brilliant, telling compelling stories with great vocalizing like “Jackie” and “Midnight 1958.” You will find bits of classic Paul Simon mixed with lounge AOR-styled pop here as in “Coffee in Bed” with a vocal by Suzanne Morris. But some songs still border on the maudlin with Kenny G styled sax flourishes, like “Shine all your love.” However, the good easily outweight any bad here. The Hillary Step website has lots of great content too (Better than 95% of the artist with sites). Worth the trip, really.

The Hillary Step Website | My Space | CD Baby | itunes

Cheese "Enlarge Your Johnson"

E-Music has released this hard to find 2005 album from Hedgehog records. Cheese are fronted by the incredibly talented Marco Rossi, who models XTC’s Andy Partridge style like a well worn set of sneakers. The Beatles, Television, Big Star and Teenage Fanclub are all obvious influences here. It’s not surprising that someone with such good taste in music would come up with so many strong and intelligent pop originals of his own. This is polished pop and “Zero and Counting you down” even heads into Dukes of the Strateosphere-like magic. Other mid tempo songs like “Gurl Alone” and “Kid Gloves” sound like they’ve fallen off XTC’s “Nonsuch” album. Also hidden away is a a bit of Syd Barrett meets McCartney on “Nothing to See.” This one is released without much fanfare and is missing one track (“Wax Museum”), but essential listening. Get it now.

Pink Hedgehog | E-Music

The Maxtone Four "Hey Hey Do It Anyway"

This is a crunchy pop treat along the lines of The Cars meets the Spongetones. The Maxtone Four delivers the goods when it comes to catchy, jangly guitar riffs and sharp-witted lyrical humor. From the opening track “Just Say I Know” you are know that this is what power pop fans live for! And it doesn’t let up. The hallmark of a great pop album is that the songs seamlessly create an experience that you want to repeat over and over again. The great energy also keeps songs like “I fu**ing hate this place” from becoming a routine rant and fans of Teenage Fanclub will enjoy the excellent guitar work. “Short pants,” “Okay you go first” and other songs here are just not just fun to listen to, but following the lyrics make it an extra treat. It’s hard to write about such a good album, I can only tell you to visit the sites to listen to it. Awesome music well worth adding to your top ten for 2007 list.

Listen to “I Fu**ing Hate This Place”

The Maxtone Four Website | My Space | Not Lame | Kool Kat

An added bit of exciting news: The New Pornographers are coming out with a new album on 8/21/07